Free the Land
Jian Pu - Paperback
Biao Yu is a professor and currently a deputy director of the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) and the director of State Key Laboratory of Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry. Professor Yu obtained his Bachelor?s degree from Peking University in 1989 and his Doctoral degree from SIOC in 1995. He has spent 20 years working on carbohydrate chemistry, especially the total synthesis of naturally occurring glycosides. Professor Yu has published over 250 scientific papers and been given a lot of awards, such as National Natural Science Award and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Xiaoyu Yang is an assistant professor at the School of Physical Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University. Professor Yang obtained his Bachelor degree from Nanjing University in 2003 and his Doctoral degree from SIOC in 2012, under the supervision of Professor Yu. Professor Yang?s doctoral thesis was focused on the total synthesis of naturally occurring glycoconjugates; he and his co-workers finished the first total synthesis of landomycin A and Jadomycins. Professor Yang also won some awards, such as being selected as Finalists of Reaxys PhD Prize and Eli Lily Aisa Outstanding Graduate Thesis Award (first class).