AI Techniques in EV Motor and Inverter Fault Detection and Diagnosis
3 authors - Hardback
Yihua Hu is a reader at the King's College London, UK. He was previously the head of the Electrical Engineering Group at the University of York. He is a fellow of the IET, holds a Royal Society Industry Fellowship, and is a member of the UK Young Academy. He has published 120 journal papers in IEEE Transactions journals with an H-index of 55 in Google Scholar. He is the author of 15 patents. Xiaotian Zhang is currently pursuing his PhD in electrical and electronics engineering at the University of York, UK. He received his BSc degree in electrical engineering from Hohai University, Nanjing, China, in 2018 and received his MSc degree in electrical engineering from Kings College London, London, UK, in 2020. His research interests include AI-supported EV electric powertrain health monitoring, fault detection, and safety improvement. Wangjie Lang is currently pursuing his PhD in electrical and electronics engineering at the University of York, UK. He received his BEng degree in electrical engineering from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, and Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, China, in 2020. His research interests include electrical machine fault detection and diagnosis and EV powertrain break engineering-based AI techniques.