Xavier Le Clerc Author

Xavier Le Clerc is a celebrated French Algerian novelist and poet. His third novel Un homme sans titre was met with wide critical acclaim in France where it was awarded four literary prizes: the Prix de l’Académie des Belles Lettres et des Sciences Caen, the Prix de la Grande Mosquée de Paris, the Prix du livre de La Tribune and the Grand Prix du Roman Métis. Le Clerc holds two Master’s degrees from the Sorbonne, in Human Sciences and in Comparative Literature. Born Hamid Aït-Taleb, he changed his name in his early thirties because of discrimination he faced. Born in Kabylia, Algeria, Xavier grew up in Normandy and now lives with his husband between Paris and Kent. William Rodarmor is a veteran French literary translator, writer and editor. He has translated some forty-five books and screenplays in genres ranging from literary fiction to espionage and fantasy. His recent translations include Article 353 by Tanguy Viel; The Blumkin Project by Christian Salmon; And Their Children After Them by Nicolas Mathieu, which won the 2021 Albertine translation prize; and The State of Israel vs. the Jews by Sylvain Cypel. His translation of Tamata and the Alliance by Bernard Moitessier won the Lewis Galantiere Award from the American Translators Association.