Deploying the European Green Deal
2 contributors - Hardback
Mar Campins Eritja is Professor of Public International Law at the Universitat de Barcelona (Spain). Her scientific interest has focused on the international and EU legal protection of the environment, with a special emphasis on the international regime on climate change, the international regime on dangerous wastes and the environmental protection of the Arctic. She leds and participates in various competitive research projects and has published extensively in these areas and is the Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair on EU Environmental Law (2017-2020, 2020-2023) funded by the EU Commission. In addition to her teaching duties at the Faculty of Law of the Universitat de Barcelona, she has also held various management positions: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law (2002-2004 and 2016-2021), Assistant to the Vice-Rector for International Policy and Vice-Rector for International Policy (2005-2008). She has been a Fulbright Scholar at American University and visiting professor at Nova Southeastern University, University of Puerto Rico, Lapland University, University of Ottawa, Dalhousie University, Université de Montréal, and Strathclyde University. Member of the Direction Board of the UB Research Water Institute (2015-2022) and of the Center for Environmental Law Studies of Tarragona (CEDAT) at the University Rovira i Virgili.
Xavier Fernández-Pons is Associate Professor of Public International Law at the University of Barcelona. He obtained his PhD in Law at the University of Bologna and he is also Diplomate of the Centre for Studies and Research of The Hague Academy of International Law, researcher at the Centre for Environmental Law Studies of Tarragona (CEDAT) at the University Rovira i Virgili and member of the Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Environmental Law at the University of Barcelona. His main lines of research are international economic law, World Trade Organization, regional trade agreements, foreign investments, European Union’s trade policy, trade and environment, trade and health, all areas in which he has published extensively.