Buddhismus im Westen
3 contributors - Paperback
Anna Körs is scientific manager and vice director of the Academy of World Religions at Hamburg University. She was co-leader of the international research project “Religion and Dialogue in Modern Societies“ (2013-2018) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany. Her main research interests are the governance of religious diversity, religion and politics, religion and education, interreligious relations and dialogue, congregational studies, sacred spaces. She has recently published on “The Plurality of Peter Berger’s ‘Two Pluralisms‘ in Germany“ in “Society“ (Vol. 54, 2017) and is co-editor of the book “Religion and Dialogue in the City. Case Studies on Interreligious Encounter in Urban Community and Education“ (ed. with Julia Ipgrave, Thorsten Knauth, Dörthe Vieregge, Marie von der Lippe; Waxmann, 2018).
Wolfram Weisse is Senior Research Fellow at the Academy of World Religions at Hamburg University. He is founding director of the Academy of World Religions and leads the international research project “Religion and Dialogue in Modern Societies“ funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany. His main research interests are empirical and theoretical research on religious education, interreligious and intercultural learning in a multicultural context, ecumenical theology, religious education in the context of different European societies. He has published on "Religious Pluralisation and Secularisation in Continental Europe" in "Society", Vol. 53, 2016; and he is co-editor of the books "Religions and Dialogue. International Approaches" (ed. with Katajun Amirpur, Anna Körs, Dörthe Vieregge: Waxmann 2014) and "Perspektiven Dialogischer Theologie. Offenheit in den Religionen und eine Hermeneutik des interreligiösen Dialogs" (ed. with Katajun Amirpur, Thorsten Knauth, Carola Roloff; Waxmann 2016).