Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C#
4 authors - Paperback
Jonathan Jacky is a research scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is experienced in embedded control systems, safety-critical systems, signal processing, and scientific computing. He has taught at the Evergreen State College and has been a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research. He is the author of The Way of Z: Practical Programming with Formal Methods. Colin Campbell has worked on model-based testing and analysis techniques for a number of years in industry, including Microsoft Research. He is a principal of the consulting firm Modeled Computation LLC in Seattle (www.modeled-computation.com). His current interests include design analysis, the modeling of reactive and distributed systems, and the integration of components in large systems. Margus Veanes is a researcher in the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) group at Microsoft Research and a co-designer and co-developer of the Spec Explorer tool. Wolfram Schulte is a research area manager at Microsoft Research, managing the FSE group, the Programming Languages and Methods (PLM) group, and the Software Design and Implementation (SDI) group.