Das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis
Wolfram Kinzig - Paperback
Wolfram Kinzig studied Evangelical Theology and Latin in Heidelberg and Lausanne. He completed both his PhD in theology and his Habilitation in Church History in Heidelberg. From 1985 until 1986 he was a Graduate Visiting Student in Christ Church, Oxford, followed by a Visiting Studentship in Trinity College, Cambridge (1986-7), a Research Fellowship in Peterhouse, Cambridge (1988-92), and a Senior Research Fellowship in King's College, Cambridge (1992-5). Since 1996 he has held the Chair of Church History (patristics) at the Evangelical-Theological Faculty of the University of Bonn. He is also the founder and speaker (director) of the Centre for Religion and Society (ZERG) at his university.