Neurology in Migrants and Refugees
3 contributors - Paperback
Mustapha El Alaoui-Faris is professor of Neurology and Neuropsychology at the Mohammed-V University and Director of the Alzheimer’s Center of Rabat, Morocco. His mean clinical interests are Dementia, Clinical Neuropsychology, Stroke, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. He is the author of more than 400 articles on international journals as well as author of several book chapters. Prof. El Alaoui Faris is the founder and past president of the Moroccan Society of Neurology and the Moroccan Society of Neuropsychology and current president of the Moroccan Foundation Against Neurological Diseases and the Moroccan Alzheimers’ Association. He was the president of the XXth World Congress of Neurology, held in Marrakech, 2011. He is also the founder and chair of the WFN Special Group on “Neurology in Migrants” and was member of the WHO board for the Revision of the International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD 10). Prof. El Alaoui-Faris received in 2019, the World Federation of Neurology Medal for Service to International Neurology.
Antonio Federico is emeritus professor of Neurology at the University of Siena and past Director of the Unit of Clinical Neurology and Neurometabolic Diseases and of the Dept. Neurological and Behavioural Sciences. His main field of interest is related to neurometabolic, neurodegenerative and rare diseases. He is author of more than 600 articles as well as author of book chapters and editor of the book “Late Onset Neurometabolic diseases”, Federico, Suzuki and Baumann editors, Karger, 1991. Recently he published (2015) the “Manuale di Neurologia Pratica" and "Neurologia and Assistenza infermieristica” for Italian students. Prof. Federico was president of the Italian Society of Neurology, vice-Rector of the University of Siena, chairmen of the Scientific Committee of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), of the Neuromediterraneum Forum and co-chair of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) Specialist group of Neurology and Migrants. He is presently co-chair of EAN Task Force on Rare Neurologic Diseases, Chair of the WFN Specialist group on Rare Neurologic diseases, italian representative at EAN and WFN and Editor-in-Chief of Neurological Sciences (Springer Editor).
Wolfgang Grisold, Dr., Prof., FAAN, is a specialist for neurology and psychiatry. His special interests apart from general neurology are neuromuscular disease and neuro-oncology, palliative care, advocacy and education in neurology. He has a particular expertise in neuromuscular disease in regards to correlation of clinical findings, electrophysiology, neuropathology and imaging. He was involved in several international educational committees, and co-chairs education committee of the World Federation of Neurology. He organized several international congresses as the EANO congress in Vienna in 2006 and the ICNMD in Vienna 2018 and was the founding editor of the EANO neuro-oncology magazine, and is the past European co-editor of neuro-oncology practice. He is now co- editor of both Neurological Sciences and e -Neurological Sciences. At the local level he was instrumental to introduce the multidisciplinary subspecialty of palliative care with neurological participation in Austria. His main scientific topics are neurooncology and neuromuscular diseases, among others as education. He published 700 publications (250 Pubmed quoted) and edited or co-edited 14 books, one of them on Advocacy in Neurology. He is the secretary general of the World Federation of Neurology and involved in many international and global activities.