Model-Based Engineering of Collaborative Embedded Systems
6 contributors - Hardback
Wolfgang Böhm works at the Chair of Software and Systems Engineering at the Technical University of Munich since 2010. During this time, he was in charge of several research projects, among them the SPES projects SPES2020, SPES_XT, and CrESt. Prior to this appointment, he had worked as a System Software Engineer for the Private Networks Division of Siemens AG.
Manfred Broy is full professor for Computer Science at the Institute for Computer Science of the Technical University of Munich. The core topic of his research is the development of complex software systems based on a solid scientific foundation, by means of well-elaborated processes, durable and flexible software architectures, and modern tools on the basis of mathematical and logical methods. He was awarded the Leibniz Preis in 1994 and bestowed the Order of Merit (Bundesverdienstkreuz) in 1996, and received the Konrad-Zuse-Medal for extraordinary services in Computer Science in 2007. Manfred Broy is a Max-Planck-Fellow, member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering and the German National Academy of the Sciences “Leopoldina”.
Cornel Klein is Research Program Manager within the Technology Field “Software and Systems Innovation” of Siemens Corporate Technology in Munich. He is currently leading a corporate research program on validation and engineering of intelligent and autonomous systems. Starting his career 1998 at Siemens Public Networks, he held several management and expert positions within the company and also represented Siemens in external partnerships like ITEA, ARTEMIS/ECSEL and SPES. He has gained an extensive knowledge in communications, cyber-physical and embedded systems, software- and systems engineering as well as in application domains like automotive, mobility and smart cities/smart buildings.
Klaus Pohl is full professor for Software Systems Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, as well as professor at the University of Limerick, Ireland. He is founding director of the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre Lero. His main research interests comprise Requirements Engineering, Service-Based Systems Engineering, Software Quality Assurance as well as Software Product Line Engineering. He is coordinator of the FP7 Network of Excellence S-Cube and member of a number of steering committees and boards of directors.
Bernhard Rumpe is full professor for Software Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Earlier he held positions at INRIA/IRISA, Rennes, Colorado State University, TU Braunschweig, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, and TU Munich. His main interests are rigorous and practical software and system development methods based on adequate modeling techniques, including their applications in areas like e.g. autonomous cars, human brain simulation, energy management, juristic contract digitalization, production automation, and cloud infrastructures. He is co-founder of SoSyM the Models conference series, the Aachen Center for Systems Engineering and several Start-Ups.
Sebastian Schröck is working as senior expert and project manager at Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering of the Bosch Group. After studying Mechanical Engineering in Germany and Finland, he received a doctorate in engineering from the Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg. His current fields of work are versatile production systems as well as national and international publicly funded projects. Furthermore, he is working as an independent expert for the European Commission.