Wojciech Cwalina Author

Wojciech Cwalina, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Marketing Psychology at the Warsaw School of Social Psychology in Poland and a marketing specialist and media advisor in Polish political campaigns. He is the author of Television Political Advertising and Political Marketing (with A. Falkowski), and numerous articles and book chapters. Dr Cwalina was awarded the Domestic Grant for Young Beneficiaries by the Foundation for Polish Science and is a member of the Polish Association of Social Psychology and the Polish Political Marketing Association. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Political Marketing.

Andrzcj Falkowski, PhD, is a Professor in and Chairman of the Department of Marketing Psychology at the Warsaw School of Social Psychology in Poland. The author of many books, articles, and chapters—including Branding and Advertising and Cognitive Applied Psychology: Marketing and Advertising—Dr. Falkowski is a Fulbright Scholar and Ministry of Education Award recipient. A member of the International Society for Ecological Psychology and the Association of Consumer Research, he is also Advisory Editor for the Handbook of Political Marketing and the Handbook of Psychology.

Bruce I. Newman, PhD, is a leading expert in Political Marketing. The author of Marketing the President, seven other books, and numerous scholarly and popular articles on political marketing and consumer psychology, he is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Political Marketing. A former advisor to the White House and recipient of the Ehrenring from the Austrian Advertising Research association, Dr. Newman is Professor of Marketing at DePaul University.