Winston Ma Author & Editor

Winston Ma is an investor, attorney, author, and adjunct professor in the global digital economy. He is a co-founder and managing partner of CloudTree Ventures and the board chairman of Nasdaq-listed MCAA, a European tech SPAC. Prior to that, he was head of North America Office for CIC, the deputy head of equity capital markets at Barclays Capital, a vice president at JPMorgan investment banking, and a corporate lawyer at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP. He is the author of bestselling books including The Hunt for Unicorns and The Digital War.

Ken Huang is CEO of DistributedApps and chair of Blockchain Security Working Group for Cloud Security Alliance in the Great China Region. Over the past 18 years, he has worked on application security, identity access management, cloud security, and blockchain for the fintech industry and health care industry. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional since 2007 and is the author of Blockchain Security Technical Guide, published by China Machine Press in 2018.