Wim Klooster Editor & Author

Wim Klooster is Professor of History at Clark University, USA. His previous books include Revolutions in the Atlantic World: A Comparative History, new edition (2018), Realm between Empires: The Second Dutch Atlantic, 1680–1815 (2018), The Dutch Moment: War, Trade, and Settlement in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World (2016), Illicit Riches: Dutch Trade in the Caribbean, 1648–1795 (1998), and The Dutch in the Americas, 1600–1800 (1997).

Alfred Padula began his professional career as a servitor of the Cold War, first in Naval Intelligence and thereafter in the State Department. His work as a Cuban analyst at the State Department precipitated a lifelong interest in that country. After leaving the State Department he became an instructor in Latin American history at the University of Southern Maine, USA, where he remained for 29 years. Among his publications is a volume on Women in Cuba: Sex and the Revolution (1996), which remains the standard on that subject. He is currently writing a book on Maine and Climate Change.