William P Dougherty Editor

Esti Sheinberg published articles on music signification; Irony, Satire, Parody and the Grotesque in the Music of Shostakovich (Ashgate, 2000); edited Music Semiotics: A Network of Significations—in Honour and Memory of Raymond Monelle (Ashgate, 2012), and Anatoly Milka’s Rethinking J. S. Bach’s The Art of Fugue (Ashgate-Routledge, 2016).

William P. Dougherty, Ellis and Nelle Levitt Professor of Music Theory and Composition at Drake University, has published articles on music semiotics and on the semiotics of the art song. In particular, he has explored settings of the Mignon Lieder from Goethe’s Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre.