Wonder Woman Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1 (New Edition)
2 authors - Hardback
A noted psychologist and the man who perfected the testing system for the lie detector, William Moulton Marston was hired in 1941 as an adviser to All-American Comics publisher M.C. Gaines after he wrote an article praising the educational potential of comic books in the magazine THE FAMILY CIRCLE. In December 1941, Wonder Woman s first adventure appeared in ALL STAR COMICS #8, written by Marston under the pen name Charles Moulton. For four years Marston wrote nearly all his creation s adventures, including both comic books and a syndicated newspaper strip. In 1945, suffering from the effects of a polio infection, he began to turn over the feature s scripting duties to others, particularly his assistant, Joye Murchison. Marston died in 1947, just a week shy of his 54th birthday.