The Person
2 authors - Paperback
Dan P. McAdams is the Henry Wade Rogers Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University. He received his doctorate from Harvard University in Psychology and Social Relations, with a concentration in Personality and Developmental Psychology. The author of nearly 300 articles and chapters and 8 books, McAdams has conducted research in the areas of narrative identity, generativity, leadership, psychological biography, culture and the self, and themes of power, love, redemption and contamination in human lives. In the 1990s and early 2000s, he pioneered and established the life-story approach to the study of personality and life-span developmental psychology. His book, The Redemptive Self: Stories Americans Live By (Oxford University Press, 2006) won the American Psychological Association's William James Award for the best general-interest book published in psychology in 2006. He is also the winner of the Jack Block Award for career contributions to personality psychology, the Henry A. Murray Award for excellence in the study of lives, and the Theodore Sarbin Award for contributions to philosophical and theoretical psychology. McAdams is the author most recently of The Art and Science of Personality Development (2015, Guilford Press) and the forthcoming The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump: A Psychological Reckoning (Oxford University Press).
William L. Dunlop was an associate professor of psychology at University of California, Riverside, and a visiting professor at Aarhus University in Denmark, before his death in September of 2021. He was a leading authority on the study of meaning making, life narrative, volitional personality change, idiographic and nomothetic methods in personality science, the contetualization of personality and identity, and the development of personal relationships. Professor Dunlop was named a Rising Star by the Association for Research in Personality.