Satire in the Elizabethan Era
William Jones - Paperback
William Jones is a Research Associate Professor Emeritus in the Information School at the University of Washington, where he works on the challenges of Keeping Found Things Found. He has published in the areas of personal information management (PIM), human-computer interaction, information retrieval (search), and human cognition/memory. William Jones wrote the book Keeping Found Things Found: The Study and Practice of Personal Information Management and, more recently, the three-part series at Morgan & Claypool, The Future of Personal Information: Part 1: Our Information, Always & Forever, Part 2: Transforming Technologies to Manage Our Information and Part 3: Building a Better World With Our Information. Dr. Jones holds 5 patents relating to search and PIM (2 more pending). His current special area of research is "Information, Knowledge and Successful Aging."