William J Watkins Author

William J. Watkins Jr. is an attorney and a research fellow at the Independent Institute. He is a former law clerk to Judge William B. Traxler, Jr., of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and a former Assistant United States Attorney. His books include Judicial Monarchs: The Case for Restoring Popular Sovereignty in the United States and Reclaiming the American Revolution: The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and Their Legacy . He lives in Greenville, South Carolina, USA. William F. Shughart II is a research director and senior fellow at the Independent Institute and the J. Fish Smith Professor in Public Choice in the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University, USA. He is a former president of the Southern Economic Association, economist at the Federal Trade Commission, and professor at George Mason University, Clemson University, the University of Mississippi, and the University of Arizona, USA. He is the editor in chief of Public Choice and the author of Antitrust Policy and Interest-Group Politics, The Organization of Industry , and Taxing Choice: The Predatory Politics of Fiscal Discrimination . He lives in Logan, Utah, USA.