William E Kovacic Author

Robert D. Anderson is Honorary Professor in the School of Law at the University of Nottingham and is on the part-time external faculty of the International Master's Program in Public Procurement Management of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and its sister program at the University of Belgrade. He was previously Senior Counsellor and Team Leader for Government Procurement and Competition Policy in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland. Alison Jones is a Professor of Law at King's College London. She is the co-author of a core text on EU Competition Law, 'Jones and Sufrin's EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, and Materials' (Oxford University Press). She is a Competition and Markets Authority ICN Non-Governmental Advisor and has also prepared expert reports for the European Commission, the UK Government and the US House Committee of the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law. William E. Kovacic is Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy at George Washington University. Previously he was the George Mason University Foundation Professor at the George Mason University School of Law, and a member and chair of the Federal Trade Commission. He has also served as a Non-Executive Director with the United Kingdom's Competition and Markets Authority.