3 authors - Paperback
William D. Bygrave, MA, DPhil, MBA, DBA, is Professor Emeritus at Babson College, and also is a member of the Babson College Board of Trustees. Bygrave is founder of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), a worldwide consortium of leading universities studying the impact of entrepreneurship on country and worldwide economies. Andrew Zacharakis, BS, MBA, PhD, is The John H. Muller, Jr. Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship at Babson College. Renowned for his expertise in entrepreneurship, he has been quoted in such publications as the Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times. He has also held investment banking and venture capital positions at the Cambridge Companies. The Portable MBA Series, with more than 750,000 copies sold, provides readers with a continuing business education, providing comprehensive coverage of the primary business functions taught in MBA programs, as well as focused coverage of today's vital business topics.