William Arfman Editor

Martin Hoondert studied musicology and theology and is specialized in music and rituals. Since 2007 he has been(associate) professor of Music, Religion and Ritual at the Department of Culture Studies of Tilburg University. His research focuses on ‘music and death’ and ‘practices of memorialization’.

Paul Mutsaers studied cultural anthropology at Utrecht University and works as a police anthropologist for the Department of Culture Studies, Tilburg University, where he is employed as a postdoctoral researcher. He has previously worked at the Police Academy of the Netherlands, where he carried out his PhD research on police discrimination.

William Arfman has a background in the archaeology and anthropology of Central America, as well as the comparative study of religion. Currently, he is a postdoctoral associate and lecturer in the field of ritual studies at Tilburg University. Favouring an interdisciplinary approach, his main research interests are late modern ritual dynamics, ritual innovation and traditionality, ritual and (community) art, and ritual commemoration.