Practical Evaluation for Educators
3 contributors - Paperback
Roger Kaufman is Professor Emeritus, Florida State University, and Director of Roger Kaufman & Associates. He is also Distinguished Research Professor at the Sonora Institute of Technology. His PhD is in communications from New York University. He consults with public and private organizations in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, and Europe. He is a Certified Performance Technologist and a Diplomate in School Psychology and a Fellow in Educational Psychology of the American Psychological Association. He has been recognized by the ASTD for Distinguished Contribution to Workplace Learning and Performance. Dr. Kaufman has published 39 books and more than 256 articles on strategic planning, performance improvement, quality management and continuous improvement, needs assessment, management, and evaluation. Ingrid J. Guerra is an Assistant Professor at the Wayne State University. Previously, she was an assistant professor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, where she taught across two graduate programs, Performance Improvement & Instructional Design, and Public Administration. She is also a private consultant for private and public organizations nationally and internationally and a professional member of Roger Kaufman & Associates. She has served as Chair of Needs Assessment TIG for the American Evaluation Association and Chair of the Research Committee for the International Society for Performance Improvement. In addition, she has published articles in journals such as International Public Management Review, International Journal for Educational Reform, Performance Improvement Quarterly, Performance Improvement Journal, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Educational Technology, and Quarterly Review of Distance Education, among others. Ingrid received her PhD and MA in Instructional Systems and her bachelor’s in Psychology from the Florida State University. William A. Platt is currently a Principle Instructional Designer for Concurrent Technologies Corporation, in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and was previously the Program Manager for Evaluation in the Office of Technical Training and Evaluation in the Veterans Benefits Administration. He is a member of the American Evaluation Association. He has consulted for the defense industry in the area of simulation and training and has presented professional papers on task analysis and instructional design. He was a Branch Head with the Naval Training Systems Center in charge of Land Warfare Training Analysis. His PhD is in Instructional Technology from Indiana University. He served as member of the Adjunct Faculty at the Marine Corps Service Support Schools and has served as a training advisor for Marine Corps training commands. He retired at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.