Willard Thorp Author

The late Willard Thorp was for many years Holmes Professor of Belles Lettres at Princeton University. He was an eminent figure in American literary history, having produced the first fully annotated edition of Melville's Moby Dick. Minor Myers, Jr., President of Illinois Wesleyan University since 1989, is a political scientist and a graduate alumnus of Princeton. His most recent book is Liberty without Anarchy: A History of the Society of the Cincinnati. He coauthored the first edition of The Princeton Graduate School in 1978. Jeremiah Stanton Finch, former Secretary of Princeton University, served also as Dean of the College from 1955 to 1961. A scholar of seventeenth-century English literature, he has also published and lectured on teacher preparation and liberal education. James L. Axtell has been William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Huamanities at the College of William and Mary since 1986.