Will Scheibel Author & Editor

Julie Grossman is professor of English and communication and film studies at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York. Her books include Rethinking the Femme Fatale in Film Noir: Ready for Her Close-Up; Literature, Film, and Their Hideous Progeny: Adaptation and ElasTEXTity; and Ida Lupino, Director: Her Art and Resilience in Times of Transition (with Therese Grisham). She is co-editor with R. Barton Palmer of the book series Adaptation and Visual Culture and the collection Adaptation in Visual Culture: Images, Texts, and Their Multiple Worlds.

Will Scheibel is associate professor in the Department of English at Syracuse University, where he teaches film and screen studies, and is affiliated with the Goldring Arts Journalism Program. He is the author of American Stranger: Modernisms, Hollywood, and the Cinema of Nicholas Ray and, with Steven Rybin, co-editor of Lonely Places, Dangerous Ground: Nicholas Ray in American Cinema.