Wendy Rowe Author & Editor

Eileen Piggot-Irvine is an Adjunct Professor of Leadership at Royal Roads University, Canada, and Griffith University, Australia. She has published 7 books, 72 refereed journal articles, 25 keynotes, and too many presentations to note. She is chief editor of the ALARA Monograph Series, has directed 11 New Zealand research contracts using an AR methodology and won a national Canadian grant to lead the Evaluative Study of Action Research (ESAR) – the focus of this book.

Lesley Ferkins is Professor of Sport Leadership and Governance at Auckland University of Technology and Director of the AUT Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ). As an action researcher, Lesley works closely with sport organisations to develop governance and leadership capability. She has over 60 peer-reviewed publications.

Wendy Rowe is a Professor and founder of the MA in Global Leadership Program at Royal Roads University, Canada, teaching and doing research in areas of strategic leadership, collaborative partnerships, organizational change, program evaluation, action research and research methods. She has over 56 peer reviewed publications and conference presentations.

Shankar Sankaran used action research for his PhD while implementing a large- scale change in an engineering operation in Singapore. He has published refereed papers, books and book chapters on the application of action research, action learning and action science and supervises doctoral students applying action research as their methodology.