Wendy Hall Author

Kieron O'Hara is a philosopher and computer scientist who researches the social and political effects of technology, specialising in the World Wide Web. His particular interests are in privacy, trust, and digital modernity. He has also written extensively on conservatism and the British Conservative Party. He is an Emeritus Fellow at the University of Southampton. Dame Wendy Hall, DBE, FRS, FREng, is Regius Professor of Computer Science, Associate Vice President of International Engagement, and Executive Director of the Web Science Institute at the University of Southampton. She became a Dame Commander of the British Empire in the 2009 UK New Year's Honours list, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering. Dame Wendy was co-chair of the UK government's AI Review and the first Skills Champion for AI in the UK. In May 2020, she was appointed as Chair of the Ada Lovelace Institute and she serves as a fellow of the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center. Vinton Cerf is the Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist of Google, LLC.