Wasim al Kurdi Editor

Vicki-Ann Ware lectures in development studies at Deakin University, Australia. An ethnomusicologist, widely published with 30 years of experience in arts-based community work, she researches arts-based community development/peacebuilding. Having worked in mainland Southeast Asia, she currently works in Bangladesh and Indonesia. She convenes the Arts/Sports Community Development Network and is the artistic director for Casey Philharmonic Orchestra.

Kirsten Sadeghi-Yekta holds a PhD in applied theatre from The University of Manchester, UK. She is Associate Professor at the University of Victoria, Canada. Currently, she is working on her SSHRC grants on Coast Salish language revitalisation through theatre. Sadeghi-Yekta has published many articles in a variety of journals.

Tim Prentki is Emeritus Professor of Theatre for Development at the University of Winchester, where, for many years, he created and ran the MA in theatre and media as development. This programme trained students to become facilitators of theatre and video processes designed to assist communities in addressing issues in relation to their self-development. Students ran projects throughout the world. Prentki has been involved in projects, NGO training, and academic collaborations in Asia, Africa, and South America. He has served on the editorial and advisory boards of Research in Drama Education and Applied Theatre Research. A past winner of a Southern Arts award, he has written and directed for theatre for 50 years, including Shakespeare, contemporary writing, and his own scripts, two of which, Half Measures and Lear in Brexitland, were recently presented at the Shakespeare North Playhouse. His current works are Henry VII: Shakespeare’s ‘Lost’ Play and Empire’s Edge or What You Will.

Wasim al Kurdi is a poet, writer, and practitioner in drama and theatre in education. He served as Director of the Educational Programme at Palestine's A.M. Qattan Foundation and as Academic Director of DiE Summer School in Jordan. He has authored books on education, culture, and the arts.

Patrick Kabanda is the author of The Creative Wealth of Nations (2018). He has consulted for the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme. A Juilliard and Fletcher graduate, he was awarded the 2013 Presidential Award for Citizenship and Public Service from Tufts University, Massachusetts (www.musikaba.net).