Home Village
Wang Yuewen - Paperback
Wang Yuewen (b. 1962) is a prolific writer and a member of the China Writers Association. He has published numerous novels, short stories, and essays, including Home Village, National Portrait, Yellow Ochre and The Prime Minister of the Great Qing. He has received several literary awards, including the Lu Xun Literary Prize and the Wu Cheng'en Novel Prize. Haiwang Yuan is Professor Emeritus at Western Kentucky University in the US, and Guest Professor of English at Nankai University, China. He is a writer, translator and translation consultant. He has authored and co-authored many books, including Tibetan Folktales, Tales from the Other Peoples of China, The Magic Lotus Lantern, Other Tales from the Han Chinese and This is China: The First 5,000 Years. Among two dozen of his translations are Songs from the Forest, There is a Fish in the Desert, Open-Air Cinema and Illustrated Stories of Chinese Characters for Children. He has consulted on the translation of two Sinoist Books titles.