Walter Thiel Editor

Peter R. Schreiner, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany
Curriculum vitae
Full professor of Organic Chemistry, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, 2002–today
Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, USA, 1999–2002
Habilitation, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 1996–1999
Project Coordinator, The Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry, 1995–1996
Ph.D. (Computational Chemistry, Prof. Henry F. Schaefer III), UGA, Athens, USA, 1995
Dr. rer. nat. (Organic Chemistry, Prof. Paul v. R. Schleyer), Univ. Erlangen, 1994
Dipl. Chem. (Organic Chemistry, Prof. Paul v. R. Schleyer), Univ. Erlangen, 1992
M. Sc. (Organic Chemistry, Prof. Richard. K. Hill), UGA, 1991
Selected Associations and Functions
Associate Editor, The Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011–today
Member of the University Senate, 2011-today
Speaker of the list "Vereinigte Professoren", 2010-today
Head, Association of German Chemistry Professors (Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Universitätsprofessoren Chemie, ADUC), 2011-2013
Chairman, Dechema Section on "Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms", 2008-today
Editor-in-Chief, WIRES-Computational Molecular Sciences, 2008-today
Associate Editor, The Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry, 1996 - 1998
Editor, The Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2000-today

Associate Editors:
Wesley D. Allen, Associate Professor, Department of Chemsitry, University of Georgia, Athens, USA.

Walter Thiel, Director of Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Germany.

Modesto Orozco, Professor and Group Leader of the Institute of Molecular Modelling and Bioinformatics, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain.

Peter Willett, Professor of Information Science, University of Sheffield, UK.