Introduction to Lipschitz Geometry of Singularities
2 contributors - Paperback
Walter Neumann is a Professor Emeritus at Barnard College/Columbia University, having taught at Universities of Bonn, Maryland, Ohio State and Melbourne. He has published in topology, geometry, and group theory, but in the last several years he has emphasized Lipschitz geometry, on which he has worked mostly with Anne Pichon, Lev Birbrair and Alexander Fernandes.
Anne Pichon (PhD University of Geneva 1996) is a slow and happy geometer. She works on topological and geometrical aspects of complex singular germs of spaces and maps, and started to study Lipschitz geometry of singularities in June 2009 at the occasion of a walk with Walter Neumann and Lev Birbrair in the calanques of Luminy, Marseille. She has two loves: geometry and music.