Star Wars: Galaxies - The Ruins of Dantooine
2 authors - Paperback
Voronica Whitney-Robinson has worked as a Peace Corps volunteer in Africa, a veterinary assistant in New Zealand and a marine biologist in Seattle. She has written four novels for Wizards of the Coast. She lives with her husband in Washington State.
Haden Blackman is a producer at LucasArts on Star Wars Galaxies TM: An Empire Divided, a massively popular online role-playing game set in the classic Star Wars universe and one of the largest Star Wars video games ever built. Blackman has worked in interactive entertainment as a writer, voice director, and content supervisor. He is also the author of The Field Guide to North American Monsters,The Field Guide to North American Hauntings, Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels and numerous Star Wars comic books.