Volker Lenhart Author & Editor

The Editors: Hermann Roehrs, emeritus professor of education at the University of Heidelberg, Germany; he is honorary president of the World Education Fellowship (German speaking section, honorary member of the Comparative Education Society in Europe) and honorary doctor of the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Volker Lenhart is professor of education at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Both editors have their focus of work in international and comparative education. Contributions/Contributors: Origin and Development in Central Europe: Juergen Oelkers, The Origin and Development of Progressive Education in England: Brian Holmes, Education Nouvelle in Twentieth-Century France: Gaston Mialaret, Progressive Education in Italy and Spain: Winfried Boehm, Origin and Development of Progressive Education in Scandinavia: Horst Hoerner, Origin and Development of Progressive Education in Eastern Europe: Oskar Anweiler, The Origin and Development of Progressive Education in the United States of America: New World Progressives in the Old World: James M. Wallace, Progressive Education in Israel: Chaim Schatzker, Origin and Development of Progressive Education in Australia: William F. Connell, Progressive Education in Third World Societies: Volker Lenhart/Hermann Roehrs, The New Education Fellowship: An International Forum for Progressive Education: Hermann Roehrs, The Bureau International d'Education in Geneva: A Centre of the Progressive Education/New Education Movement: Leo R. Fernig, International Response to the Educational Ideas of M. Montessori as Exemplified by their Influence on Progressive Education in the United States: Hermann Roehrs, Waldorf Schools in an International Context: Wilfried Gabriel/Peter Schneider, Radical Humanism: The Work of Paul and Edith Geheeb in the Odenwaldschule and the Ecole d'Humanite: Dennis Shirley, Freinet's Educational Methodology and its International Sphere of Influence: Hans Joerg, Jena Plan Education in an International Setting: Theodor F. Klassen, Reform Pedagogics in Adult Education: Franz Poeggeler, An International Perspective on Group Education: Ernst Meyer, The Project Method - Its Origin and International Influence: Michael Knoll, The Influence of Progressive Education on School Reform in the U.S.A.: Sol Cohen, The Influence of the New Education on Educational Reform in England: David Turner, The Influence of Progressive Education on Australian Schools: William F. Connell, The Influence of Pedagogical Reforms on the Swedish School: Sixten Marklund, Educational Reform in France under the Influence of Progressive Education: Axel Zimmermann, The Influence of Progressive Education on the Development of the School System and School Policy in the Former States of the Federal Republic of Germany: Ehrenhard Skiera, Progressive Education in the Former German Democratic Republic: An inherited tradition: Andreas Pehnke, The Education Reform in Japan as Influenced by the Progressive Educational Movement: Takashi Kangi/Yuriko Kinoshita, Progressivism in Latin America: Heinz Peter Gerhardt, The Significance of 'Progressive Education' for Educational Reforms in Africa: Volker Lenhart