Vivian Pramataroff-Hamburger Editor

Vivian Pramataroff-Hamburger, Dr. med., specialist in gynaecology and psychotherapy in Munich, board member of the German Society for Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DGPFG) and the International Society for Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISPOG), training therapist and supervisor (BLÄK), member of the Munich Study Group on Film and Psychoanalysis since 2007, numerous publications on film and psychoanalysis.

Andreas Hamburger, Prof. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych., Professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychoanalysis IPU Berlin, Germanist, psychologist, psychoanalyst (DPG/IPA), training analyst and supervisor (DGPT, DGSv), member of the Munich Study Group on Film and Psychoanalysis since 2007, numerous publications on film and psychoanalysis, including the monograph Relational Film Psychoanalysis.