Virginie Devillez Author

Active for more than 25 years in the art world, Virginie Devillez is unanimously recognised as a Belgian and international art expert. Virginie Devillez holds a PhD in Contemporary History from the Université libre de Bruxelles (2001), published under the title Le Retour à l’Ordre. Art et Politique en Belgique (1918-1945) and awarded the Suzanne Tassier prize by the Royal Academy of Belgium. Curator at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium from 2001 to 2013, Virginie Devillez was the lead project manager of the Magritte Museum inaugurated in 2009. She was also a member of the Acquisition Committee of the Ixelles Museum. From 2013 to 2016, Virginie Devillez managed internationally renowned contemporary art galleries (Daniel Templon, Micheline Szwajcer) before joining Sotheby’s where, from 2016 to 2023, she was an expert in Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary Art. In this framework, she was responsible for the sale of a large number of works by René Magritte and historical Belgian collections. Virginie Devillez is currently a member of the René Magritte Expert Committee, a scientific collaborator of the Université libre de Bruxelles and guest curator of the Ostend Museum for the research and exhibition project dedicated to the Impressionist Belgian painter Anna Boch. She also sits on the Acquisition Committee of the Delta Museum in Namur. Specialised in provenance, she is a member of the Federal Government’s Study Commission for the creation of a Centre of Excellence in Provenance and Restitution. In 2023, Virginie Devillez created her own company of Fine Art Expertise and Advisory.