Sustainable Energy Generation and Storage
3 contributors - Paperback
Dr. Vijayanand Suryakant Moholkar (b. 1972) is a Professor (HAG) of Chemical Engineering and Adjunct Faculty at School of Energy Science and Engineering (erstwhile Centre for Energy) at Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) Guwahati. He received B. Chem. Engg. (1993) and M. Chem. Engg. (1996) degrees in chemical engineering from Institute of Chemical Technology (formerly University Department of Chemical Technology, UDCT) Mumbai, followed by Ph.D. from University of Twente (Netherlands) in 2002. He has been Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, IIT Guwahati between 2012-2015, and Head of Centre for Energy, IIT Guwahati between 2017-2020. His main research interests are sonochemistry, cavitation assisted physical, chemical and biological processing, and thermo- and biochemical routes to biofuels. As of January 2023, he has published more than 195 papers in renowned international journals that have received more than 10500 citations (with h-index of 60 and i-10 index of 170). Heis co-inventor of 3 US patents (issued to CTI Nanotech, CA, USA) on application of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors for biomass pretreatment and bioalcohol synthesis. As of January 2023, he has graduated 26 Ph.D. and 34 M.Tech. students. He has been elected as Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) in July 2016. He has also been elected as Fellow of Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) registered with Engineering Council of UK. He was admitted as Senior Member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (MAIChE (Sr.)) in August 2016. His name has consistently featured in the list of world's top 2% scientists published by Stanford University, USA for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Dr. Vaibhav V. Goud is currently working as Professor and Head in the School of Energy Science and Engineering at IIT Guwahati. He completed his Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur in 2006. He worked as Lecturer at BITS Pilani, Goa Campus between 2007-2008, and between 2008-2009 worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. Till date, Prof. Goud guided 14 Ph.D. students at IIT Guwahati. Presently, he supervising 09 Ph.D. students in diverse fields of biomass for the production of biofuels, bio-lubricants and oleo-chemicals, extraction of natural plant products (essential oils, oleoresins, food colors, biopesticides, and nutraceuticals) by using subcritical and supercritical fluids as well as the processing of non-edible oilseeds. He has published more than 150 papers in international peer-reviewed journals that have received more than 10000 citations and 18 book chapters and made presentations of his research at several national/ international conferences. He has been awarded/filed 3 Indian patents in the field of bioethanol, biodiesel, and enhanced recovery of lipid from microalgae. He is an active member of several professional organizations such as life member of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Sea buckthorn Association of India and International Society of Food Engineering.