Victoria Martin de la Rosa Editor

Marta Carretero is Professor of English Linguistics in the Department of English Studies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has authored on modality, evidentiality and evaluative language, mainly in English and contrasting English and Spanish.

Juana I. Marín-Arrese is Emeritus Professor of English Linguistics in the Department of English Studies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her recent research focuses on stance, epistemicity and the expression of inter/subjectivity in discourse.

Elena Domínguez Romero is Associate Professor of English language and linguistics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her recent research interests comprise evidentiality and positioning in media discourse as well as applied linguistics and innovative teaching research.

Mª Victoria Martín de la Rosa is Associate Professor of English language and linguistics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her main research interest centres on the use of modality in UN Resolutions as well as on metaphor in political and educational discourse.