Victor M Calo Author

David Pardo is a Research Professor at Ikerbasque, the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM). He has published over 160 research articles and he has given over 260 presentations. He is now the PI of the research group on Applied Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, and Optimization (MATHMODE). His research interests include computational electromagnetics, petroleum-engineering applications (borehole simulations), adaptive finite-element and discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods, multigrid solvers, image restoration algorithms, and multiphysics and inverse problems. Pawel J. Matuszyk is Research Scientist at Baker Hughes working on acoustics borehole devices, Houston, TX, USA. Hes has over eighteen years of experience in academic and private industry research environments. Strong theoretical background in the field of mathematics and physics coupled with extensive programming skills plus expertise in analytical and numerical modeling of complex problems in mechanics and acoustics. Hands-on experience in designing sonic logging tools for the oil & gas industry. Expert in programming (Fortran, C/C++, Matlab) and finite element analysis. The academic background encompasses nine years of teaching experience. Self-motivated, methodical, persistent, and passionate about solving challenging scientific and engineering problems. Vladimir Puzyrev is a Senior Research Fellow at the Curtin University Oil and Gas Innovation Centre and the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences of Curtin University, Australia. His research interests include applications of artificial intelligence and deep learning in geosciences, as well as computational electromagnetics, sparse linear solvers, and high-performance computing. Carlos Torres-Verdín is Professor in Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He is worldwide expert in the area of characterizing the Earth´s subsurface via different numerical methods. Research Areas: Static and Dynamic Formation Evaluation, Borehole Geophysics, Rock Physics, Petrophysics, Well Logging, Reservoir Geophysics, Integrated Geological-Geophysical-Flow Description of Reservoirs, Signal Processing, Inverse Problems. Myung Jin Nam is a professor at Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea at the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources Engineering. His areas of expertise include Modeling and Simulation, Optimization, Numerical Analysis, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Simulation, and Geophysical Applications. Victor M. Calo is a Professor of Applied Geology at Curtin University, Australia. Dr Calo holds the CSIRO Professorial Chair in Computational Geoscience and is a highly cited researcher who is actively involved in disseminating knowledge: Dr Calo has authored 160+ peer-reviewed publications. Dr Calo’s research Interests include modelling and simulation of geomechanics, fluid dynamics, flow in porous media, phase separation, fluid-structure interaction, solid mechanics, and high-performance computing.