Strange Parallels: Volume 1, Integration on the Mainland
Victor Lieberman - Paperback
Both a specialist in precolonial Burma and a comparativist interested in global patterns, Victor Lieberman graduated first in his class from Yale University and obtained his doctorate from the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London. His publications include Burmese Administrative Cycles: Anarchy and Conquest, c.1580–1760, which won the Harry J. Benda Prize from the Association for Asian Studies; Beyond Binary Histories: Re-Imagining Eurasia to c.1830, which he edited and an earlier version of which appeared as a special issue of Modern Asian Studies devoted to Lieberman's scholarship; and Strange Parallels: Southeast Asia in Global Context, c.800-1830, Volume 1: Integration on the Mainland, which won the World History Association Book Prize. He is the Marvin B. Becker Collegiate Professor of History and Professor of Southeast Asian History at the University of Michigan.