Victor David Author & Editor

Andrei Medvedovici: born Nov. 29'",1961; 1984 - B.Sc. in Chemistry, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry; 1985 - M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry; 1992 - pre-doctoral stage at the University of Ghent -Belgium; 1994 - Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry; 1994 - 1997 post-doctoral studies at the University of Ghent -Belgium and Research Institute for Chromatography, Kortrijk, Belgium (coordinator: Prof. Dr. Pat Sandra); from 1990 at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry (teaching assistant, lecturer, associated professor); from 2005 professor at the same institution; from 2006, Ph.D. coordinator (same institution); 2002-2009 - R&D director, Labormed Pharma; from 2009 - Scientific director, Labormed Group; Editorial board member at Bioanalysis and Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies; 2009 - Prize "C.D. Nenitescu" of the Romanian Academy for the cycle of publications on applications of LC/MS in biomedical field; lSI publications: 86 (72 abroad Romania); non-lSI publications: 13 (12 abroad Romania); published courses, contributions in monographs and encyclopedias: 25 (14 abroad Romania); cumulated impact factor: - 140; citation index: 491; h-index: 12.

Victor David: born February 261h 1955; 1979 - B.Sc. in Chemistry, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry; 1980 - M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry; 1989 - Ph.D. in Chemistry, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry; from 1992, in the Analytical Department of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest (1992 - lecturer, 1997 - associated professor, 2002 - professor, 2005 - Ph.D. cooridination); Editorial board member at Journal of Essential Oils Bearing Plants and Open Automation and Control Systems Journal (Bentham Publishers); 2004 - Prize "I.G. Murgulescu" of the Romanian Academy; lSI publications: 90 (56 abroad Romania); non-lSI publications: 11 (2 abroad Romania); published courses: 8; monographs: 1 (abroad Romania); chapters in monographs and encyclopedias: 8 (8 abroad Romania); cumulated impact factor: > 1 00; citation index: > 270; h-index: 9.