Vicki Burke Author

Vicki Burke has been working as a creative and a healer for 20 years. She began life working as a saxophonist until her awakening in 2000. This took her on a new journey and she began to find her voice. Initially writing songs and taking up the harp, she then became a storyteller and healed her singing voice.

In 2008, inspired by a course exploring living, archetypal astrology, she created a performance, a twelve-step spoken word journey with song.

This became her first solo album Keys to the Golden City – a Musical Journey Around the Cosmos, which was developed into a book Journey to the Golden City – Finding the Way Home. Both album and book were released in 2017 and were well received.

In 2014 after a move to the small but engaging Somerset town of Frome, Vicki wrote a play called Return to the Golden City, inspired by the Sulha project (meaning reconciliation), her own journey of self-discovery and a series of dreams. This was then produced as a film, a lockdown reading, during the Covid months of 2020.

She is now developing workshops in personal reconciliation, healing our inner conflict, based on the play Return to the Golden City. The play and the story that brought it into being, lies at the heart of her new book Beauty in the Beast - Facing our Collective Shadow, the second in her trilogy, and, as before, has an accompanying CD of harp, song and journeys.