Veronica Allegrini Editor

Luca Gnan is Full Professor of Organizational Behavior at Tor Vergata, University of Rome, and Professor Honoris Causa at University American College at Skopje (UACS), as well as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Transition and Innovation.

Alessandro Hinna is Full Professor of Organization Studies and Director of the Master of Science in Business Administration at Tor Vergata, University of Rome, and Professor of Public Management at the Italian School of Public Administration.

Fabio Monteduro is Associate Professor of Business Administration at Tor Vergata, University of Rome, where he coordinates the Ph.D. in Management. His research focuses on public management and governance issues.

Veronica Allegrini holds a Ph.D. in Public Management and Governance from Tor Vergata, University of Rome, where she is currently subject expert in Business Government Relationships.