Remembering Women’s Activism
2 authors - Paperback
Andrea Germer is Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Japanese Studies and Visual Culture at Kyushu University and the author of Historische Frauenforschung in Japan [Women’s History in Japan], 2003. Research interests include gender and nation, feminist theory, propaganda, visual history and transcultural aesthetics. Vera Mackie is Senior Professor of Asian Studies in the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts at the University of Wollongong and Research Leader of the Forum on Human Rights Research. She has published widely on cultural studies, gender and sexuality studies and feminist history. Ulrike Wöhr is Professor of Japanese Studies and Gender Studies at Hiroshima City University and the author of Frauen zwischen Rollenerwartung and Selbstdeutung [Women between Role-Expectations and Self-Representation], a historical reading of Japanese feminist thought of the 1910s. Research interests include gender and feminism in modern Japan from a transnational perspective.