Veljko Dubljević Author & Editor

Veljko Dubljević Ph.D.,D.Phil., is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Science, Technology and Society at North Carolina State University. Before arriving in Raleigh, he spent three years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Neuroethics Research Unit at IRCM and McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He studied philosophy (University of Novi Sad) and economics (Educons University), and obtained a PhD in political science (University of Belgrade). After that he joined the Research Training Group “Bioethics” at the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, University of Tuebingen, and after studying philosophy, bioethics, and neuroscience, he obtained a doctorate in philosophy (University of Stuttgart). Dr. Dubljević’s research focuses on ethics of neuroscience and technology, and neuroscience of ethics. He has over 50 publications in moral, legal and political philosophy and in neuroethics.