Veerle Draulans Editor

Judith Gruber is a research professor in theology at KU Leuven and a member of the Research Unit of Systematic Theology and the Study of Religions, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies. Jonas Van Mulder is a research associate and curator at KADOC Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society of KU Leuven. Kim Christiaens is an associate professor in history at KU Leuven and director of KADOC Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society of KU Leuven. Veerle Draulans is an associate professor in social sciences at KU Leuven and member of the Leuven Interdisciplinary Centre Lived Religion and Meaning. Jacques Haers is an emeritus professor in theology at KU Leuven and member of the Research Unit of Systematic Theology and the Study of Religions. Stephan Parmentier is a full professor in law and criminology at KU Leuven and member of the Research Unit of Criminal Law and Criminology.