Intraregional Migration in Latin America
6 contributors - Paperback
Vanessa Smith-Castro earned her PhD in Social Psychology from Philipps-UniversitÄt Marburg (Germany). She is full professor at the Institute for Psychological Research of the University of Costa Rica. Her research interests are social cognition, intergroup relations, acculturation, and the social psychology of health.
David SirlopÚ is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Psychology at Universidad del Desarollo (ConcepciÓn, Chile). His research interests are intergroup relations and acculturation processes of Latina America immigrants and majority society. He also conducts research involving respect as recognition in minority groups, and subjective well-being in children and adolescents.
Anja Eller (1974-2019) was professor of Social Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She was broadly interested intergroup relations, intergroup contact, identity and categorization, and embarrassment.
HÜseyin Çakal holds an MSc in Sociology from the University of Manchester and a DPhil in Social Psychology from the University of Oxford. He is a lecturer in Psychology at the University of Keele. His research investigates intergroup contact, social identity processes, collective action, and mental health among severely disadvantaged communities.