Interventions in Career Design and Education
8 contributors - Hardback
Valérie Cohen-Scali is Professor Professor in Career Counseling and Guidance at Inetop-Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France. She is Researcher at the Center of Research on Work and Development (CRTD). She is deputy Director of the scientific Journal L’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle [School and Vocational Guidance]. Her research interests concern identity construction of young adults who work while studying, organisational socialization, and the evolution of identity and competences of professionals of the field of training and counselling. She was member the scientific board of the European Doctoral Program in Career Guidance and Counseling (ECADOC) and of the scientific board of the Unesco Chair on Life Long Guidance and Counseling.
Jérôme Rossier is full professor of vocational and career counseling psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lausanne. He is the editor of the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance and member of several editorial boards of scientific journals such as the Journal of Vocational Behavior or the Journal of Research in Personality. His teaching areas and research interests include counseling, personality, psychological assessment, and cross-cultural psychology. He published a great number of articles and book chapters and recently co-edited the Handbook of life design: From practice to theory and from theory to practice. He participated actively to many international research projects, such as the personality across culture research or the international career adaptability project.