Together We Swim
Valerie Bolling - Hardback
Valerie Bolling is the SCBWI Crystal Kite Award–winning author of Let’s Dance! (Boyds Mills & Kane, 2020). In addition to being an author, Bolling has been an educator for 28 years. She is focused on bringing diverse literature to elementary students and creating stories in which all children can see themselves and feel valued and heard. She lives in Stamford, Connecticut. You can find her at valeriebolling.com. Sabrena Khadija describes herself as a Maryland-born, West African–raised creative, bibliophile, and anime enthusiast. She adds, “I am one of the growing number of human beings who seek inclusive and innovative spaces to explore art and creativity in meaningful and impactful ways.” Khadija lives in Silver Spring, Maryland. Learn more at sabrenakhadija.com.