Uwe Cantner Author & Editor

Serena Cubico is Assistant Professor of Management at Department of Business Administration, University of Verona in Italy. She holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology and prior to entering academia she was working as Consultant for small and medium sized business (entrepreneurship, human resources management, training, career guidance), and as Coordinator of the Youth Entrepreneurial Centre - University of Verona. Her main research areas are: Entrepreneurship (youth and female, education, start up); Organizational Behavior in SMEs; Family Business; Entrepreneurial Competencies and Potential (identification, assessment, measurement).
Giuseppe Favretto is Full Professor of Management at the Department of Business Administration, University of Verona in Italy. He teaches Management, Entrepreneurship and Organizational Behavior at Verona, Padova and Urbino Universities. Previously, he was Vice-Rector of the University of Verona; founder and director of research centres (Youth Entrepreneurial Centre; Mobbing and Organizational Well-being Research Center; Assessment Centre). He has authored more than 340 publications on Entrepreneurship; Organizational Behavior; Organizational Well-being, Stress, and Mobbing; Family Business.  

João Leitão is Assistant Professor (tenured) lecturing economics and entrepreneurship. He holds a Habilitation in Technological Change and Entrepreneurship; and a Ph.D. in Economics.  He is associate researcher of the CEG-IST, University of Lisbon and external research fellow at Instituto Multidisciplinar de Empresa, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. He is author and co-author of scientific books on benchmarking, clusters, cooperation networks, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, innovation, competitiveness and quality of life. He won the National Prize of Innovation, 2017 and the Best Paper Award of the Interdisciplinary European Conference in Entrepreneurial Research – IECER 2012. His research work has been published in several indexed journals. His research interests include: entrepreneurship, innovation and public policies.

Uwe Cantner is Full Professor of Economics at the University of Jena, and heads the Chair of Microeconomics. Economics of Innovation, Evolutionary Economics, Industrial Economics. Since 2011 he is also Professor of Economics (part-time) at the University of Southern Denmark, and is the director of “The Jena Graduate School Human Behaviour in Social and Economic Change", and the spokesperson for the DFG Graduate College “The Economics of Innovative Change”. Since 2015 he is part of the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation - EFI) which advises the German Federal Government.