Uwe Busch Editor

The editor Uwe Busch is a medical physicist and director of the German Röntgen Museum (Deutsches Röntgen-Museum). Together with the newly designed birthplace of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, both museums offer a captivating insight into Röntgen's life and work as well as the experience of discovering the fascinating world of X-rays. A world that spans many spatial and temporal dimensions, from the nanoworlds of the microcosm to the infinite expanses of the cosmos and from the past to the future. All the world is full of X-rays. Making good use of Röntgen’s discovery is and remains the goal of science today and tomorrow.

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen would have had fun doing just that: committing to research to broaden one's horizons, finding profound joy in gaining knowledge and discovering the wonders of natural science for the benefit of humankind.