Ursel Scheffler Author

Hannes Gerber estudi arte y diseo grfico en Berln, donde trabaj para agencias de publicidad e ilustr novelas grficas. Tambin particip en una serie de pelculas animadas. Actualmente, ilustra libros infantiles para varias editoriales.Ursel Scheffler naci en Nremberg y estudi idiomas y literatura en Mnich (a pesar de que de pequea su ilusin era ser detective, exploradora o arqueloga). Desde 1977 vive en Hamburgo, donde ha creado al comisario Caramba, que no solo no pierde de vista a los rufianes de esa ciudad, sino tampoco a los de Nueva York o Shanghi, porque al Comisario le gusta viajar tanto como a su autora. Ursel ha escrito ms de cien libros, que se han traducido a ms de veinte idiomas.

Hannes Gerber studied art and graphic design in Berlin, where he worked for advertising agencies and illustrated graphic novels. He also took part in a host of animated films. Currently, I have illustrates children's books for several publishers. Ursel Scheffler was born in Nuremberg and studied languages and literature in Munich (despite the fact that when she was little, her dream was to be a detective, explorer or archaeologist). Since 1977 she lives in Hamburg, where she has created Commissioner Caramba, who not only does not lose sight of the ruffians of that city, but also those of New York or Shanghai, because the Commissioner likes to travel as much as the author . Ursel herself has written more than a hundred books, which have been translated into more than twenty languages.