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Umberto Zanetti Editor

Alessandro de Magistris is an architect, and teaches History of architecture and town planning at the Milan Polytechnic. He has authored numerous publications, treatises and articles on the history of contemporary architecture and town planning, published in Italy and abroad. He has, among others, written La Città di transizione (1988), High-Rise. Percorsi nella storia dell'architettura e dell'urbanistica del XIX e XX secolo attraverso la dimensione verticale (2004). Umberto Zanetti works in Milan and Moscow. He organised and curated the 'MOCKBA XXI' exhibition at the State Museum of Architecture in Moscow - MUAR - and the Triennale di Milano, and 'Gabriele Basilico: Vertical Moscow' at the Cité de l'Architecture in Paris and the Spazio Oberdan in Milan. He has also written many articles about the city of Moscow and its urban transformation.